To Book:

Send your preferred time to with the following information:

  1. Type of session (family, engagement, maternity, etc.)

  2. Names of participants/relationship/ages of any kids (up to 8 people—contact me if you’d like to book for multiple/large families!)

  3. Preferred primary phone number, email

  4. Choose one of the following time slots:

2022 Dates

  1. Saturday, October 8

    1. 4pm

    2. 4:30pm

    3. 5pm

    4. 5:30pm

    5. 6pm

  2. Saturday, November 5

    1. 2pm

    2. 2:30pm

    3. 3pm

    4. 4pm

    5. 4:30pm

  3. Sunday, November 6

    1. 2pm

    2. 2:30pm

    3. 3pm

    4. 4pm

    5. 4:30pm

Final Steps: Once I review your email, I’ll send an invoice for the full amount + contract to your inbox (due to reserve your session!). Next, I'll send wardrobe tips when you book and check-in 24-48 hours before our shoot to confirm weather (yay!).