Here's the skinny- ( If you miss everything else, READ THIS): The most beautiful images I've seen or developed are the ones that make you feel something. I believe comfort is key in the pursuit of creating art and meaningful photographs. If I have the privilege of working with you, I’ll check in on occasion, learn a little bit about what matters most to you, and hopefully we can laugh together along the way. I’d like for you two and those that take part in your day or session to feel at ease. I'm incredibly passionate about people and experiences. Wedding days are an incredible opportunity to be encouraged and to serve others, whether you're a groom, guest, or vendor. For me, weddings are an opportunity to utilize creative strengths I've been given, business experience I've built, and a deep love for people in a season where you need an artist, a vendor, a friend, an faq resource, comic relief, and an encourager.
Wedding photography is just as much about the art of relationships as it is craftsmanship in the photographs I deliver. I believe every soul carries the same weight, so I strive to serve your distant cousin's wedding date with as much thoughtfulness as I would offer you. When you work with a wedding team, you're pulling in creative vision and character so please choose well- these are fun times!